Our Work Abroad


Part of our team visited Africa, helping to feed the hungry children and their families in need. Food was purchased and distributed around different villages, meanwhile getting to know the people on a personal level. In addition to helping provide food for these families and children, our team gave them hope and love, listening to their stories and their needs.


Our Team has spent many years partnering with local churches and orphanages in Mexico to help bring children out of their below poverty status and give them a chance to thrive for a better tomorrow.

Because of our partner’s generous donation, Love’s Hope has been able to feed and clothe these children. In addition, resources have been provided to help them finish their education. This gives them opportunities for a brighter future.


New doors have recently opened to allow Love’s Hope to take part in bringing joy to children in Cuba. We are in the starting stages of having our team make contact with local families and churches in Havana. We are now in the process of seeing what needs can be met for these children in the area of food, health, shelter, and education.